Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pleasant Valley School - 1922

Pleasant Valley School - 1922
Pleasant Valley School - 1922
S. Pleasant Valley School - 1922[1]

Who's Who

  1. Noah Johnson
  2. Elizabeth Ensz
  3. Ruth Newingham
  4. Hilda Brunken
  5. Evelyn Johnson
  6. Grace West
  7. Helen Ensz
  8. William Ensz
  9. Walter Unruh
  10. Cecil Unruh
  11. Mathilda Ensz
  12. Floyd Cottorn
  13. Walter West
  14. x
  15. Ralieg R Pittman
  16. Ersel Dixon
  17. Harold Brunken
  18. Theron Dixon
  19. Henry Ensz
  20. Authur West
  21. Milo Cottorn


A picture of the Pleasant Valley School  students in 1922.  I am assuming that this is the spring of 1922.

Hilda Brunken appears to be one of the older students. Hilda graduated from Lahoma High School 14 May 1926 -  this would be consistent with Hilda being in the 8th grade in the spring of 1922.  Hilda was born 22 Sep 1906 - so if this is the spring of 1922, she would have been 15 years old.

Harold Brunken was born 17 Nov 1913 - so he would have been 8 years old in this picture.  Harold appears to be one of the younger students in the picture.  Possibly Harold was in the 2nd grade.

Neither Alvin Brunken nor Leona Brunken are in the picture.  Alvin was born 3 Sep 1908 and would have been 13 years old at the time this picture was taken,  Had he already graduated from 8th grade? Leona was born 11 Feb 1911 and would have been 11 years old.  Why was she not in this picture? Possibly Alvin and Leona were absent from school the day this picture was taken.




Lahoma, Oklahoma - Near


  1. Scanned on November 17, 2014 from a picture album prepared by Hilda Ida Brunken.
  2. When I interviewed my uncle, Harold Brunken, in 2004, he described going to school with his sister, Hilda, on cold winter mornings.

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